Miss Frank with Uyo street- kids - August, 2018.
According to a report from
the Consortium for Street Children, a United Kingdom-based consortium of related non-governmental
organizations (NGOs),
UNICEF estimated that 100 million children were growing up on urban streets
around the world. Fourteen years later, in 2002, UNICEF similarly reported,
"The latest estimates put the numbers of these children as high as one
hundred million". More recently the organization added, "The exact
number of street children is impossible to quantify, but the figure almost
certainly runs into tens of millions across the world. It is likely that the
numbers are increasing. (Wikipedia)

Distribution of school kits to Uyo street- kids by Miss frank, assisted by other crew of #teamcarelife
Uyo, the capital of Akwa Ibom state of Nigeria, just like
every other growing location in the world is not left out in this ugly growing
trend of street kids being found everywhere. 80% of Street kids in Uyo can be
found predominantly in the second category of UNICEF placements of street kids,
while the other two categories share the remaining 20%; as these kids are left to
fend for themselves.
These kids over time possess several challenges to the
community with time as they grow up to become vulnerable tools for the
incubation and execution of different face of havoc in the society.
Excitement as these privileged ones had a session with miss frank
Street children differ in age, gender, ethnicity, social class, and these children have had different experiences throughout their lifetimes. UNICEF differentiates between the different types of children living on the street in three different categories: candidates for the street (street children who work and hang out on the streets), children on the streets (children who work on the street but have a home to go to at night), and children of the street (children who live on the street without family support).
Street children are often
subject to abuse, neglect,
vulnerable to rape, leading to spread of diseases, grow up to be used for thuggery;
others include exploitation, or, in extreme cases, murder by "clean-up squads" that have been hired by local businesses
or police.
Flagging off of Uyo street Project |
Leaving these sets of
citizens unattended to, limits the potentials discovery of these future stars, and
also exposes the society to great risk because of these vulnerable class of
Carelife character foundation has taken the bold steps to
address these ugly trend and definition to the future of these young ones by addressing
the needs and rights of street children.
Team-carelife is currently surprising Uyo street kids, with the
This ongoing project covers the recovery of Uyo street kids, tracing
them to the roots of their guidance, registration of young kids in various schools
and sending some other few to learn different trades.

street kids, traced to their homes...excitement as #teamcarelife storms homes
MISS PEACE FRANK, #team carelife, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.